Friday, May 26, 2006

today, i like nothing. so i'm doing an anti-post on things i hate.

school tops the list. i hate seminar, and reading for seminar, and writing precis. i hate TAing, and i hate going to really stupid lectures. (tell me how any intelligent person can consider decolonization an uncomplicated topic, please. one worthy of only a 20 minute lecture. GOD.) i hate having to deal with student papers and student exams. i hate my research project and the 30 page paper i have to write for it this weekend. i hate the presentation i have to give in less than two weeks. i hate that my school is on a quarter system and i won't be done until mid-June.

i hate that i have a mostly useless degree, no job, and a mountain of school-related debt while everyone else i know has moved past this phase of their lives and gets to do fun things like travel. i hate that in the midst of all the crap listed above, i have to find an apartment in oakland and start looking for a job. i hate moving. right this second, i even hate my car, because i'm moving to oakland and i can't fucking parallel park AT ALL in a manual.

i hate almost everyone around me right now. the nicer the people, the more they piss me off. i can really only deal with people who are as stressed out, freaked out, and pissed off as i am.

to totally contradict this diatribe, here are a couple things i do still like: diet coke. whoppers. my cat, who will be living with me soon. the idea of living by myself and buying new bookcases. sushi. going to see X3 tonight. my ipod. a potential trip to vegas this summer for a wedding. a trip to lompoc in august to see my brother (don't ask), and two of my favorite people. my new black skirt.


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