Thursday, October 26, 2006

ok, i know. it's been like 2 months. whatever, sometimes a girl has to admit there's more to life than blogging. like COMPLETELY SELLING OUT. but fuck all y'all, anyway.

before we get to the theme of this post (and, indeed, this blog), let's discuss some things i rather heartily DON'T like.

(by the way, do you enjoy the completely random capitalization i employ in blogs and emails? because i find it entertaining that someone so totally anal about grammar and style is too lazy to capitalize properly.)

ok, things i hate.
this guy i work with (not directly with, just in the same office) is a true redhead. with the florid skin and everything. and despite priding himself on being all lawyerly and yuppie-stylish, he INSISTS on wearing pink shirts. every time he does, i want to scream "IT MAKES YOUR HEAD LOOK LIKE A VERY LARGE TOMATO." it's really not flattering. and it annoys me, so clearly it should stop.

on another topic of fashion, i hate it when fully grown women wear dresses that are like oversized versions of what an 8 year old would wear. this trend seems to be particularly prevalent among small-town schoolteachers, but it even creeps into corporate offices in san francisco. why on earth would an intelligent, attractive, 40-something woman want to wear an ankle-length smock-jumper-dress thing over a white turtleneck? i swear, i wore something alarmingly similar (only knee length) in the 2nd grade.

i hate people who don't possess commuter common-sense. DO NOT FUCKING STOP JUST INSIDE THE BART DOOR. for fuck's sake, move in towards the uncrowded aisle and let everyone else come in behind you. and FUCK PEOPLE, stand on the right side of the escelator, walk on the left. do not fucking block the entire escalator with your standing so that people cannot walk up/down the damn thing.

and sometimes i hate things/people for no reason at all. like this contract worker at my office. i hate her voice, and the way she talks. i hate her (perceived, admittedly) personality. i hate the way she walks. i hate her massive breasts that look like a shelf.

and seriously, she's spoken like 2 sentences to me. i have no real reason to be so annoyed. i just am.

but enough of that. let's think about things that make me happy.

lake merritt and all its birds. living here has taught me to recognize many happy water birds:
pelicans! i love pelicans. your average brown pelican, and the lovely, lone, formerly injured american white pelican. i'm particularly fond of the american white. he fishes at the south end of the lake every morning with the coots, mallards, and cormorants.

speaking of cormorants, not only are they slick, but their babies are so fucking adorable. they swim really well too.

also present, and well-adored during my twice-daily lake walks: coots, mallard ducks, great egrets, snowy egrets, black-crowned night herons (sometimes).

less well-adored are gulls and geese, which aren't getting any links from me. i'm sure they're just crushed.

other things i'm loving: i've rediscovered tom waits' rain dogs and christian kiefer's medicine show; i love doing that. when you're all "hey, this album rocks! why haven't i listened to it in 2 years??"

i just read this great memoir by michael macdonald, all souls: a family memoir from south boston. go read it.

ok that's enough. i'm done.


At 8:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

a black-crowned night heron is what pooped on my mom at the santa barbara zoo on a field trip there in the fourth grade!

shelf-boobage is entirely worthy of hate.

actually, this entire post has amused me to the point of causing me to snork coffee up my nose. yay!


At 4:33 PM, Blogger kim said...

you snorked coffee? what exactly does that entail?

At 7:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it entails taking a swig of coffee, starting to laugh while taking said swig, making the coffee slosh in your cup in a manner that sloshes the coffee up your nose while involuntarily inhaling it while you still laugh. it's somewhat uncomforatble, but, if it was good coffee, everything smells very good for about an hour.



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