dave eggers. i'm reading A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius and it's pretty cool.
ivan doig. i was crying by page five of This House of Sky.
the title is self-explanatory.
dave eggers. i'm reading A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius and it's pretty cool.
i know, i know, 2 in one day. but as i graded all these IDs about picasso, i started thinking about art, so here's another theme list (alphabetically, to be fair):
corgies. seriously, have you ever seen anything so adorable? there was one outside the cafe this morning and he was very sweet.
today has a theme, tattoos. i like tattoos. all kinds, but i'm particularly fond of custom work. i'm also really interested in the history of tattooing, like traditional cultural tattoo and whatnot.
st. patrick's day. because i also like the color green, alcohol, and all things irish.
it's monday night dear reader, do you know what that means? it means it's time for my weekly deadwood proclamations. god. GAWD. i love deadwood. that show is so fucking great. sometimes i think i might even like it more than homicide. seriously. i'm all giddy and basking in the post-deadwood happiness now. man. so good.
today's a music day (since i'm researching/writing, i'm pretty much tied to my desk and winamp). i realize this makes for a crazy long post, and most of you (all 2 of you who read this thing) don't particularly care, but i think it makes for a cool playlist and it's my damned blog anyway, so there. anyway, here's what i'm particularly loving right now:
tulips. i got some really awesome ballerinas and barcelonas at the farmer's market yesterday. they make my apartment look so lovely. tulips are my 2nd favorite flower (after sunflowers).
ducks. something about them makes me very mellow and happy.
today's a mostly tv loving day for some reason.
holy christ, this technically doesn't count because i posted it yesterday, but I LOVE DEADWOOD. the first episode of season 2 is awesome. man. god that show is good.
so, this is hardly a creative idea from the depths of my brain. i stole it. but, i like the idea, so i'm going to run with it. periodically, i'll post things i like here - hence the title. random things. music, movies, books, websites, sunny days, etc.